I've been wanting to get my hands dirty with the innards of blockchain lately, combine that with my itch to do a project in Haskell, the bch project (blockchain in haskell) was born. This article will walk you through building a minimal blockchain in Haskell.
According to google:
In layman terms, a blockchain is just an database. Data is stored in ‘blocks’, each block references their own previous block, forming a chain. The data can be anything ranging from transactions (bitcoin) to DNS records (namecoin).
Before doing anything, we need to define two data types to facilitate the blockchain. Specifically: Transaction
to represent the type of data we want to store, and Block
to store a set of said data.
data Transaction = Transaction { from :: String -- Who's paying
, to :: String -- Who's receiving
, amount :: Float -- How much are they paying
} deriving (Generic, Show)
data Block = Block { index :: Int -- Index of the block
, txs :: [Transaction] -- List of transactions in the block
, hash :: String -- Hash of the block
, prevHash :: String -- Prev Hash of the block
, nonce :: Maybe Int -- Nonce of the block (proof of work)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
Great, we now have the tools to construct a genesis block:
genesisBlock :: Block
genesisBlock = Block blockIndex blockTxs blockHash prevHash Nothing
where blockIndex = 0
blockTxs = [Transaction "heaven" "kendrick" 15]
blockHash = ""
prevHash = "000000000000000000000000000000000"
Now that we know how to construct a Block
, the next step is to write a couple of functions to make our blockchain more complete. First up is a function that adds a new Transaction
to the Block
blockAddTx :: Block -> Transaction -> Block
blockAddTx (Block i ts h p n) t = Block i (ts ++ [t]) h p n
We also need a function that hashes the Block
, giving the block an ID to be referenced in the future Block
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString, toString)
hashBlock :: Block -> String
hashBlock (Block blockIndex blockTxs blockHash prevHash _) = toString $ Base16.encode digest
where blockTxStr = foldr ((++) . show) "" blockTxs
ctx = SHA256.updates SHA256.init $ fmap fromString [blockTxStr, prevHash]
digest = SHA256.finalize ctx
Lastly, a function which mines the Block
, proving that some work has been done on the Block
. I opted for a simple proof-of-work algorithm that just checks if the SHA256 of the Block
+ some nonce
starts with a ‘0’. It is just an educational blockchain after all.
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
mineBlock :: Block -> Int -> Block
mineBlock b@(Block i t _ p _) n = case head pow of
'0' -> Block i t blockHash p (Just n)
_ -> mineBlock b (n + 1)
where blockHash = hashBlock b
ctx = SHA256.updates SHA256.init (fmap fromString [blockHash, show n, p])
pow = toString . Base16.encode $ SHA256.finalize ctx -- proof of work
This should give you enough tools to play around with your blocks in ghci
Of course, playing around with the blockchain ghci
isn't that sexy, so I wrote a a REST API for the blockchain to interface with it.
The hardest bit was probably wrapping up the Blockchain
state into a State
monad (as I didn't want to use a database). Luckily for me there was a reference guide on stackoverflow.
Anyways, thats about it, you can view bch‘s source code here, and the original bitcoin whitepaper here.